Experience Xchange
USA-Austausch 2005
With much anticipation we, the Americans, await the moment of our arrival in Frankfurt. As each day passes, we talk more of what we hope to see and do. We've heard that upon arrival we will take the train to Ludwigshafen where we will finally meet again with our friends.
So, what will be the best part of being in Germany? The first day when we meet again with all of our friends that we will not have seen in over 100 days will be a better moment than seeing any monument we might find. There will be three days that the Americans will attend Wilhelm-Von-Humbolt Gymnasium. In these three days, we expect so much amazement about how most of the Americans can speak two words of German but Die Deutche can speak fluently in Englisch! But it never fails that, despite the language barrier, Americans still love to travel overseas.
Why the excitement of coming to Germany? Where else can you find rock bands by the name of The Dead Trousers? Throughout the trip in America, the Americans were influenced by a bit of German music styles. Song lines such as "Ich weiß Du liebst mich noch immer" filled our heads, and the thought of singing that phrase in the actual country it came from is appealing. Why? The reason is because Americans like to fit in. We like to act like we are a part of whatever is going on. Once one realizes that we listen to the same styles of music and many of the same artists, everyone fits together. The music is what brings us all together.
Europe, more specifically the Western vicinity, has always been a place where Americans long to venture. This region is where we hone our interests. At first thought of Germany, the major cities that come to mind are Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, and Heidelberg. This trip is an opportunity for all of the participating Americans to see at least two of these.
The German culture has always been one of perplexing questions concerning the history behind this nation that has had much influence on America; in school, we are taught that the European area contains a wide array of cultures and liberal thought. The American perspective of Germany is one of monuments, such as the Brandenburg Gate and the remnants of the Berlin Wall, and of thought- Martin Luther and his Ninety-five Thesis. Many of our religious beliefs are taken from the great movements led by such men as Martin Luther. He is why this church is one of the things that we most desire to see.
Not only is there a desire to see things but also to eat things. Weinerschnitzel, bratwurst, and sauerbraten fill our menu. But how to describe German foods and not mention the crave of Nutella! For those Americans who have not experienced the taste, they are in for a treat. Really, who else can get away with eating chocolate for breakfast? It won't happen in American homes.
The anticipation of our arrival in Germany is mounting day after day. Our calendar is marked on June 22, "Depart to Germany". We will wait so long for that day, but until then, we want to say to all of our German friends, "Ich weiß Du liebst mich noch immer!" Ich liebe dich und we look forward to seeing you again very soon!
By Jeff Ingram & Tucker Wade